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  7. (OPEN AIR) Divino Amor

(OPEN AIR) Divino Amor

Divine Love
Gabriel Mascaro, Brazil 2019, 101 Min., OV with English subs, digital

2027: Evangelicalism is widespread across Brazilian society. Permeating all facets of daily life, it has become an integral and dystopian part of the nation-state. Bureaucrats, like Joana, enforce their religious family lifestyle on others by complicating the paperwork for divorces, making it more difficult to leave the church. Despite this, Joana’s own marriage to Danilo is facing turbulence. The couple become part of a swingers club called Divine Love, where extramarital sexual relations are promoted in order to fit into the religion's dogma as an excuse to save one's marriage. Gabriel Mascaro presents a sexy, futuristic film illuminated by throbbing neon colors that offers a strong sociopolitical commentary on the cult-like, hypocritical practices of modern-day secularism. (GR)

In bad weather the screening takes place indoors