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  5. Panel Talk:

Panel Talk:

Transnational Archives – Ethics and Decolonial Methods

With Annouchka de Andrade, Annabelle Aventurin and Karina Griffith, moderated by Lisabona Rahman.

In English

Through the film heritage of three Afro-diasporic filmmakers Sarah Maldoror, Med Hondo and Wanjiru Kinyanjuis, the panel deals with the practical questions and hurdles in the preservation of transnational films and estates. It will focus on questions of ethical and decolonial methods of archival practice in connection with the preservation of and accessibility to works that are characterized by transnational production contexts, marginalization and recent "rediscovery".

Annabelle Aventurin is a film archivist and programmer. From 2020 to late 2023, she worked on the preservation and distribution of films by director Med Hondo at Ciné-Archives, the French Communist Party and Workers’ Movement Film Collection.

Karina Griffith is a filmmaker and artist.She has curated film and interdisciplinary programs for the Goethe-Institut and Ballhaus Naunynstraße, among others. She teaches at the Institute for Art in Context at the UdK Berlin and researches Black authorship in German cinema, such as Wanjiru Kinyanjui.

Lisabona Rahman is a film historian and archivist who works with international film archives concerning heritage, preservation and knowledge sharing activities related to celluloid.

©Mara Monetti