1. Program
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  3. No terra nullius
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  5. Crowrã


The Buriti Flower
Joao Salaviza & Renée Nader Messora, Brazil, Portugal 2023, 124 Min., OV with English subs

Introductory curators talk with Afsun Moshiry, Thaís Omine, Galo E. Rivera,  and Viviane Tabach

In 1940, two Krahô indigenous children found a bull dangerously close to their village in the darkness of the forest. The bull was the harbinger of a brutal massacre perpetrated by the farmers in the region. In 1969, the children of the survivors were coerced into joining a military unit during the Brazilian dictatorship. Today, facing old and new threats, the Krahô continue to walk upon their bloodied land, endlessly inventing forms of everyday resistance.
This screening emerges from Viviane Tabach's long term project Devolver a Terra à Terra, an investigation of the spiritual, political, identitarian, and cultural aspects of the land. The project is composed of exhibitions, film screenings, and public programs that invite spectators to delve into narratives that foster nature-culture agencies. The issue of territory materializes and permeates all the works as a discourse of subjectivity, coexistence, and resistance, bringing out the circumstantial geographies of Brazil. (VT)

Supported by the Brazilian Embassy