1. Program
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  3. Materiality of Memories
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  5. Comrade Tito, I inherit + Yugoslavia – How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body

Comrade Tito, I inherit + Yugoslavia – How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body

OV with English subs
Followed by a talk with Marta Popivoda

Genosse Tito, ich erbe
Comrade Tito, I inherit
Olga Kosanović, Germany/Austria 2021, 27 Min. OV with english subtitles

The Austrian Olga Kosanović will one day inherit her grandparents’ garden house in Serbia, an inheritance which also seems to include her family's socialist past. Homeland is complicated, inheritance perhaps a burden, and Tito becomes a symbolic figure for something which has passed. In the bedroom of the summerfamily residence, her mother proclaims her a pioneer. In this house with an orchard that sits on a mountainside in the midst of lush nature, three generations are confronted with the question of what has changed, in personal and grand histories, and what is preserved as it becomes embedded within various migration experiences.

Jugoslavija kako je ideologija pokretala naše kolektivno telo
Yugoslavia How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body
Marta Popivoda, Serbia/France/Germany 2013, 62 Min. OV with english subtitles

A revealing compilation of mass stagings from the Tito era and after: crude TV archive images with rare footage of post-war youth labor actions, colorful dances and relay races celebrating Tito's birthday, the student protests of 1968, and violent, mass choreographies of the 1990s in Serbia. The restaging of human bodies as part of a collective, social sculpture raises questions about collectivity and individuality and how they relate to systems of power. Ideology exhausts itself.

Marta Popivoda is a filmmaker, video artist, and researcher. Her work explores memory and history, collective and individual bodies, as well as ideology and everyday life, with a focus on antifascist and feminist potentialities of the Yugoslav socialist project. For several years she has been part of the TkH (Walking Theory) collective.