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  5. ... and tomorrow the Poles will come

... and tomorrow the Poles will come

Gitta Nickel, GDR 1974, DEFA-Studio for Short Films, commissioned by GDR Television, First broadcast: Feb, 25th, 1975, 52 Min. Min., OV
Followed by a talk with Urmilla Goel

A group of Polish contract workers in a chicken-meat processing factory in Storkow. The main protagonist is the German forewoman Christa, a confident socialist and feminist, who believes in Internationalism and views contract labor as part of Germany’s compensation to Poland. While the film in no way betrays Christa’s idealism, the violence of the circumstances comes to light in conversations with the Polish women and through the casual cruelty of the slaughterhouse, which is documented in passing.

Urmilla Goel is a guest professor at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldtuniversität Berlin and is researching topics of migration, migration to the GDR, racism, gender and sexuality as well as the power relations intertwined with it.