In this television production, Sarah Maldoror uses popular and comical filmmaking to combat racist stereotypes. Paris in the 1970s: Bokolo and Mamadou, street sweepers, are looking for a way to fund a return journey home for one of their sick comrades. One day, they discover an old cookbook in the garbage. They then get the idea to participate in a TV game show which consists of ascertaining with precision the ingredients of the best dishes of the French cuisine. They learn the recipes for sauces, desserts and entremets by heart.
Madeleine Bernstorff lives in Berlin, creates film programs (often in collaboration) and works as a teacher and author, e.g. of Transnationales Lernen an der dffb. In 2016/2017 she supervised the production of 23 short video spots Unraveling the NSU Complex! with the SPOTS group.
Brigitta Kuster (Prof. Dr.) works on film research in the field of cultural studies with a focus on gender at the Institute for Cultural Studies of the Humboldt-University zu Berlin. She is also an artist, writer and cultural researcher. She studied at the Lucerne School of Art and Design (Switzerland) and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, where she received her PhD. Her main focus is on the fields of video/film and visual studies, as well as on postcolonial theory, migration and border studies.