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  3. Film Series
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  5. Stories from the Periphery
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  7. Memory Palace

Memory Palace

OV with English subs
Followed by a talk with

Followed by Total Body Workout with Kexin Hao

Memory Palace 
Dorothy Cheung, Hong Kong 2020, 23 min. (4 segments)

More Happiness
Livia Huang, USA 2021, 13 min.

A Cure for All Things 
Katherine Chou, USA 2020, 7 min.

Reality Fragment 160921 
七个木 Qigemu 七個木 (April Lin/Jasmine Lin), UK 2018, 14 min.

The Timeless Morphs: 3 Body Sessions 
Kexin Hao, Netherlands 2022, 23 min.

The programme Memory Palace, named after the moving image project by Hong Kong filmmaker Dorothy Cheung, weaves together different memories of diasporic individuals with complimentary short films. It presents histories and tools of remembrance from across multiple generations, ranging from objects to familial stories and the body. The screening is followed by Total Body Workout, an experience in which history does not unfold in chronological order but as a head-to-toe sequence.

Total Body Workout 
with Kexin Hao

Total Body Workoutleads you through a ‘total body’ experience in which history does not unfold in chronological order but as a head-to-toe sequence. How is the body scripted and shaped by the in which times it lives? How are national agendas and political ideologies woven into bodily semiotics? How does one’s body memory become an integral part of hegemonic historical narratives? And how do we inhabit a historical and totalised body? Based on nationwide physical exercise routines and mass gymnastic performances taking place in Asia, the Eastern Bloc and the United States, Total Body Workout proposes a recomposition of existing corporal movements and a reconfiguration of the past in the present. Here and now, we work out the total body.

Kexin Hao is a visual artist and designer born in Beijing and based in Rotterdam. Her practice is a marriage of graphic design and performance/publicly engaging art. In her recent works, Kexin investigates the themes of body, rituals, health, and collective memory.