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  5. FANON (Chroniques fidèles…)

FANON (Chroniques fidèles…)

Abdenour Zahzah, Algeria, France 2024, 90 Min., Arabic, French with English subtitles

With the official title of Chroniques fidèles survenues au siècle dernier à l’hôpital psychiatrique Blida-Joinville, au temps où le Docteur Frantz Fanon était chef de la cinquième division entre 1953 et 1956, Abdenour Zahzah recreates Dr. Frantz Fanon’s transformative tenure overseeing the Muslim ward at the Blida-Joinville psychiatric hospital in Algeria. Dr. Fanon implemented significant reforms, addressing how racism, colonialism, and prejudice profoundly impacted perceptions of mental illness. He introduced socio-therapeutic strategies that emphasized the healing power of social interaction and cultural connection. These included activities such as team sports, live music, and the creation of social spaces that resonated with the patients' cultural backgrounds.

The film explores the humane motivations behind Dr. Fanon’s philosophical and political insights, showcasing how he developed a comprehensive understanding of the psychological toll of colonialism and the importance of national liberation movements for structural change. More than 60 years after his passing, this groundbreaking biopic revisits a pivotal chapter in the life of one of the world’s most influential thinkers. (GR)