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  3. Film Series
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  7. Sambizanga


Sarah Maldoror, Angola, France 1972, 102 Min., OV with English subs, DCP

With an introduction by Annouchka de Andrade

Angola, 1961: The liberation struggle is also gaining momentum in Angola. Sambizanga, Maldoror's first completed feature-length film, uses images of the everyday to tell the story of Maria's search for her husband Domingos Xavier who was imprisoned for joining the revolution. Maldoror sensitively reveals the loneliness of a woman on an arduous journey, and focuses on the time and effort required to cover this distance. Maria's quest becomes a powerful metaphor for the suffering of the Angolan people and their "development of a revolutionary consciousness" (S. Maldoror). (FH)

Followed by a get-together & music by DJ Trigger T

SAMBIZANGA, Sarah Maldoror