1. Program
  2. /
  3. Remake On Location @ Sinema Transtopia
March 2024

Remake On Location @ Sinema Transtopia

Remake. Frankfurter Frauen Film Tage is organized by the Kinothek Asta Nielsen e.V. and is dedicated to the rediscovery and re-screening of historical films in the context of current cinema. The focus is on women, gender relations, emancipation and aspects of queer cinema. "In the Company of Others...! Closeness, Responsibility and Solidarity in Film" was the current festival focus. Remake On Location expands the festival with screenings before and after the festival days at different locations in different cities: With three films out of the festival programme, which was shown in Frankfurt am Main in December 2023, Remake comes to Berlin.


Borjana Gaković is a film and media scholar, curator and author. Her work focuses on representations of history and medialities of historiography, European cinema of the 1960s, feminisms in film history and war and trauma in film. Since 2020 she has sat on the programme and selection Committee of DOK Leipzig.

Gaby Babić, born 1976 in Frankfurt am Main, artistic director of the Kinothek Asta Nielsen e.V., works as a programmer / cultural worker for various film festivals and cultural institutions.