1. Program
  2. /
  3. KUIRFEST Berlin 2018
June 2018

KUIRFEST Berlin 2018

Curated by Esra Özban

Pembe Hayat KuirFest (Pink Life QueerFest), the first and only queer film festival in Turkey, is visiting Berlin in collaboration with bi’bak. KuirFest Berlin 2018 presents a film and discussion series that engages with migration and mobility issues from non-Western queer perspectives. It gathers shorts, documentaries, fictions and series that explore different ways of commenting on hegemonic border politics and their encounters with body, sexuality and gender. The selection aims not only to tell a wide range of stories on queer migrants, border-crossings and liminalities of bodies, but also invites the audience to think collectively about how to queer narratives of migration and body politics.

In cooperation with Pink Life QueerFest, Aks International Minorities Festival and Zentrum Moderner Orient, commissioned by QM Soldiner Strasse, funded by German Republic and the Federal State of Berlin in the framework of Zukunftsinitiative Stadtteil II, Programm Soziale Stadt.

Esra Özban after graduating from Economics at Bogazici University, continued graduate studies at Goldsmiths, University of London in Film and Screen Studies MA programme. Esra Özban is the festival director and has worked as a programmer & coordinator at Pembe Hayat KuirFest since 2014. Esra also taught film-related courses at Bilkent and TED Universities and is a member of Atina Collective.