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  3. Migration Routes
January 2016

Migration Routes

Curated by Branka Pavlovic

The film programme Migration Routes is dedicated to narrations, that are revealing worldwide causes and results of migration from various artistic perspectives. The series takes a closer look on armed conflicts as a cause of migration, on places of transit and permanently changing societies. The films tell stories of Europe’s borders, asking for the reasons why people are leaving home. It is about people, their aspirations and hopes and about the reality of life in European cities.

Funded by Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung and Aktionsfonds des QM Soldiner Strasse in the frame of the programme Zukunftsinitiative Stadtteil, Soziale Stadt – Investition in die Zukunft.

Branka Pavlovic studied film and TV in Belgrade and continued her academic career with a master’s degree in Art in Context at the University of Arts Berlin. Since 2009, she has worked for the Free Zone Film Festival in Belgrade as its leading program director. She developed the art education program of nGBK Berlin and teaches as a freelance art instructor at the Freie University Berlin, leading numerous seminars and workshops.