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  5. Embodiment 03

Embodiment 03

Crossing Boundaries

Eight centimetres [Eight Centimetres]
Laura Ameln, Germany 2022, 13 min., German with English subtitles

Sehnsucht in Mir [Longing in Me]
Julian Wonn, Germany 2023, 10 min., German with English subtitles

Anna-Sophia Richard, Germany 2023, 21 min., Persian with English subtitles

that's not quite normal [not quite normal]
Iris Maier, Germany 2023, 06:12 min., German with English subtitles

Morje med nama [The Sea in Between]
Lun Sevnik, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovenia 2024, 15 min., Croatian, English with English subtitles

Donia Olumi, Germany 2019, 04 min., German with English subtitles

Big Bang
Carlos Segundo, France, Brazil 2022, 14 min., Portuguese with English subtitles

Boundaries – who establishes them, who crosses them, and what happens when they are violated? This program explores moral, geographical, societal and personal boundaries. How do the protagonists react as soon as their boundaries have been crossed, and what effect does that have on us? The films here strikingly demonstrate how tightly physical and psychological vulnerability are entwined and how we can set, communicate and perhaps even dismantle our own boundaries as well. (I)