1. Program
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  3. Cinema of Commoning symposium
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Cinema in Action: Spaces, Communities and Solidarities

A cinema of the commons is a politically charged space of encounter, mediation and community. In the digitally mediated present, how do we effectively argue for the significance of cinema as a physical forum? How can we sustain spaces that speak to diverse communities whilst offering a meaningful platform for debate, exchange and experimentation?

Day two of the symposium will focus on cinema as a zone where film, politics, and audiences intersect, addressing the challenges faced in the making of spaces that are genuinely inclusive and collective.

Full information about the Symposium program can be found here.

Accreditation is €10/€7 concession per day, and includes access to the full day of talks, events, gatherings and screenings.

There may also be last minute seats available on each day of the Symposium, on a first come first served basis. There will also be a live stream into the foyer, so even when the auditorium is full it will still be possible to watch most panels live on site.

Note: Accreditation for the symposium will be available on the website. Accredited participants must pick up their cinema tickets for the evening programme at the Infopoint in Sinema by 13:00. Tickets for non-accredited participants will be released at 13:00.