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  5. We Are Our Memory
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  7. Filmische Reisen von Gariné Torossian

Filmische Reisen von Gariné Torossian

Cinematic journeys from Gariné Torossian

Followed by a talk with Fred Kelemen (DoP of Stone Time Touch)

Girl from Moush
Gariné Torossian, Canada 1993, 5 min., no dialogue, 16 mm

Stone Time Touch
Gariné Torossian, Canada, Armenia 2007, 72 min., Armenian and English original version with English subtitles, digital

In her early work inspired by Paradzhanov’s Sayat Nova, Gariné Torossian, who was born in Lebanon and raised in Canada, creates a “sensuously surreal realm of images about a sense of diaspora and of longing for one’s cultural roots.” (Berlinale Panorama 2019). Stone Time Touch traces the journey through Armenia of a woman from the Canadian diaspora. Making virtuoso use of the possibilities of essay and experimental cinema, Torossian and her artistic partner Arsinée Khanjian question their relationship to the homecountry of their ancestors, witness everyday life in Armenia and the omnipresent memories of the Genocide.

Fred Kelemen is a director and screenwriter of feature films that have won awards around the world, as well as a cameraman for feature and documentary films, including “The Turin Horse” by Béla Tarr and “The Visible and the Invisible” by Rudolf Thome. Since 1995, he lectures and teaches at film schools, art colleges and universities in Germany and worldwide.