1. Program
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  3. un.thai.tled FILM FESTIVAL BERLIN 2020
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  5. Short film programme: Journeys Of Urban Ghosts

Short film programme: Journeys Of Urban Ghosts

OV with English subs
Followed by a performance by

FFF (วิป)
Nonthachan Prakobsup (นนทจรรย์ ประกอบทรัพย์), Thailand 2017, 20 Min.    

FLUMMOXED COCOON (ดักแด้โกลาหล) 
Theerapat Wongpaisarnkit (ธีรภาส ว่องไพศาลกิจ), Thailand 2017, 28 Min.

Taiki Sakpisit (ไทกิ ศักดิ์พิสิษฐ์), Thailand 2019, 18 Min.   

Kritsamas Ualapun (กฤษฏิ์สมัชญ์ เอื้อละพันธุ์), Thailand 2017, 27 Min.

The short film programme Journeys of Urban Ghosts takes a look at the metropolis Bangkok, where various people live together and shape their surroundings. In FFF (2017), Bangkok becomes a source of trauma and pain, while Flummoxed Cocoon (2017) tracks how suppressed desires become the driving force for travelling. In Planetarium Project (2017) the concrete jungle marks the beginning, yet in The Mental Traveller (2019), it indicates a journey’s end. Afterwards, the performance Oh Missing Moon (2020) deals with homesickness as a dilemma of being unable to return to Thailand.

After the screening there will be a performance Oh Missing Moon from Theerawat Klangjareonchai, Kantatach Kijtikhun and Raksa Seelapan (un.thai.tled CTM 2020)