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  3. Sounding Womanhood
January 2022

Sounding Womanhood

Feminist Gestures in Film
Curated by Pia Chakraverti-Würthwein & Eirini Fountedaki

Sounding Womanhood explores the layers of selves that women must wear, adding and shedding them in a daily “dance of the seven veils”. This selection of films subverts archetypal femininity and established gender roles, favoring a broader performance of womanhood. Through a transnational feminist lens, the films bring to the fore personal stories of women on the dancefloor, in transition, at the workplace, on the streets, and in their homes. Sounding Womanhood offers us the chance to re-think the uses of cinematic elements as narrative tools. From soundtracks that make music an additional protagonist to films that emphasize on screen audio, sound is a crucial thread for reversing cinematic stereotypes on womanhood.

Funded by Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa

Pia Chakraverti-Würthwein & Eirini Fountedaki form a curatorial duo interested in embodied knowledge and collective reflections through film. They co-curated the film series Residing in the Borderlands at SAVVY Contemporary, and participated in the Berlin Biennial 11 curatorial workshop how now to gather. They also co-edited the publication How does the world breathe now? Film as Witness, Archive, and Political Tool (Archive Books, 2021).