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  3. Film Series
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August 2021


Children's cinema from SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA
Curated by Dr. Martin Ganguly and Malve Lippmann

Arriving in a new country is not easy. People speak differently and some things look different too. Are you welcome there? Are you able to find new friends? Do the neighbors like you? These films take you on a time travelling journey up to forty years ago. Many things were different back then: even leaving and arriving. But the reasons for how things are today often lie in the past.

The current SİNEMANINO program takes a look at the history of migration to the BRD and DDR by bringing together children's films from the 1970s and 1980s. The films address the difficulty of arrival in previously unknown countries and show how children and their friends sometimes have to struggle with prejudice and resentment in everyday life. 

SİNEMANINO is the new children's program by SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA and is aimed at both adults and children. Starting at 3pm each Saturday at SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA, the program is moderated by Martin Ganguly. It is suitable for children from 8 years and up.

Cinema visits in the mornings for school classes:

Although today almost every fourth person in Germany is attributed with a so-called "migration background," migration history as part of German history is often only available as family knowledge; it is given little consideration in public discourse or school curricula. We want to change that! Therefore, we also offer film events individually or as a series in the mornings for school classes. 

If you would like to come to the cinema with your class, please write to us: info@bi-bak.de.

Funded by the Programm NEUSTART of the Bundesverband Soziokultur in the section kulturelle und soziokulturelle Programmarbeit.

Dr. Martin Ganguly is a university lecturer in teacher training (HVD/TU Berlin) as well as an author and teacher in both (film) pedagogy and artistic fields in Germany and abroad. As a film educator he leads the school project in the Generation section of the Berlin International Film Festival. In addition to his teaching degree, he is a doctor of educational science and completed studies in directing and acting at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna.



BRD 1974, 89 Min., OV with English subs


Deutschland 2019, 100 min Min., OV


Visar Morina, Germany / Belgium / Kosovo 2020, 121 Min., OV with English subs


Germany 2020, 92 Min., OV with German subs


Thomas Draeger, BRD 1979, 82 Min., 16mm Min., OV
Metin – Copy

Metin – Copy

Thomas Draeger, BRD 1979, 82 Min., 16mm Min., OV
Fluchtversuch (Escape Attempt)

Fluchtversuch (Escape Attempt)

Vojtech Jasný, BRD 1976, 95 Min., 16mm Min., OV