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  5. Images Moving For Support
March 2022

Images Moving For Support

presented by Mikhail Lylov 

The war in Ukraine takes away lives and destroys ways of living. Putin's military invasion unfolds not only on land, but aims to rewrite history and replace it with a mythological scheme in which Ukraine has no right for an independent existence. The aggression of the Putin-regime is an offense against a plurality of narratives, and against the right for a memory which differs from the ‘official’ ideology. This war is a test of our ability to think and act together. Although art cannot stop rockets or bombs falling on cities, it helps to establish zones of autonomy for personal memories, political reflection and critique; it creates concepts with which one can struggle for an open future. Such a struggle can only proceed through learning and understanding a variety of progressive political and social positions that have emerged in response to the politics within post-Soviet geographies. (Mikhail Lylov)

A fundraiser will be organized at the screening. All donations will go towards providing medical and humanitarian aid to Ukraine and supporting people displaced by the consequences of war.