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  7. Re-Placement


OV with English subs
Followed by a talk with Zara Zandieh

While The Sea Runs Thru My Veins is an assemblage of multiple post-migrant voices from different geopolitical spheres, At Home But Not at Home evokes postcolonial memories through the use of contrasting footage. Together with cartographic appropriation and re-mapping in Sewing Borders and the aesthetics of opacity, rumours and secrets in Endnote, each of these short films reflect queer, if not asexual, counter-narrative aesthetics and decolonial knowledge. Here we can explore (un)seen subjects and how they cross over to occupy new bodily spaces.

Ashish Avikunthak, India 2005, 18 min.

The Sea Runs Thru My Veins
Zara Zandieh, Germany 2019, 20 min.

Sewing Borders
Mohamad Hafeda, Lebanon 2018, 25 min.

At Home But Not at Home
Suneil Sanzgiri, USA 2019,11 min.

Zara Zandieh (they/she) is a filmmaker born and based in Berlin. Zara’s works have been nominated for awards at various film festivals including the BFI FLARE Film Festival, Queer Lisboa, and Dok Leipzig. Zara’s most current project, Octavia’s Visions premiered at Oberhausen Film Festival 2021. Zara was selected for the 2021 edition of Berlinale Talents.