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  5. Kuna Mende Kwenye Mashine

Kuna Mende Kwenye Mashine

There's a Bug In The Machine

Registration form here

Hosted by DJ Black and facilitated by Jesse Gerard Mpango, this workshop is an opportunity to share, explore and build a shared language around the technical difficulties faced ahead of or during a film screening. By engaging with DJ Black's skillset as a interlocutor, performer and conversalist and the way in which this blurs the line between the reality of the film and the shared reality of the audience, the workshop is a chance to imagine and explore the scope for reimaging mistakes or bugs as prompts for deepening the moment.

Jesse Gerard Mpango is a storyteller from Kasulu, Tanzania. He is a founding member of Ajabu Ajabu, a multimedia curatorial collective based in Dar Es Salaam. The collective uses participatory, open-ended approaches in its programming and events to explore de-centralized and communal forms of presentation, production and preservation of audiovisual work in Tanzania. Recurrent within his work as part of Ajabu Ajabu, and as an independent practitioner, is the capacity for participatory rituals of imagining to unsettle and dislocate dominant narratives and extractive power structures.

Rajab Mangula, aka DJ Black, is a film narrator, performer, actor and professional cinephile living and working in and from Buguruni, Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania. He is one of the stars of the award of the winning Apostles of Cinema, and, along with Ajabu Ajabu, is currently working on a long term passion project to translate films into Bena, the language from his home region. He also moonlights as a writer and editor to his over 30,000 followers on the Kiswahili film and history blog JE WAJUA.

Ajabu Ajabu is a multimedia curatorial collective based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Through a variety of participatory, open-ended approaches, they explore decentralized and communal forms of presentation, production and preservation of audiovisual art forms. They work towards engaging, documenting and reinforcing subcultures responding to monolithic and exclusionary global media frameworks.

©Ajabu Ajabu