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  7. Geblieben (Stayed)

Geblieben (Stayed)

Followed by a talk with Thanh Nguyen Phuong and Thúy Nguyen Phuong

Wir bleiben hier (We stay)
Dirk Otto, Germany, 1991, 32 min., Production: DEFA Studio für Dokumentarfilme GmbH

A young Vietnamese family in Berlin on the eve of the third of October 1990, the official date of the reunification of East and West Germany. Both parents have “spent half their lives in the GDR” as contract workers and are now under threat of deportation and daily animosity. In stark opposition to the formerly common use of voice-overs and made-up narratives, this film abstains from any commentary or soundtrack music.

Sorge 87
Thanh Nguyen Phuong, Germany, 2017, 10 min.

„Sorge is the place I will never forget. The place at which my parents have gained a foothold, as contract workers in the GDR. In their new, second home. A home which was also to become mine.” (Thanh Nguyen Phuong)

Thanh Nguyen Phuong was born in Werdau in 1992 and studied communication design and film at the FH Potsdam. Her film "Sorge 87" premiered at the DOK Leipzig last year and has been screened and awarded at various festivals around the world.

Thúy Nguyen Phuong is a graduate in cultural studies and assisted her sister in the work for the film.