With a commentary from Philip Scheffner and an extract from From Here to Here (Madhusree Dutta/Philip Scheffner, India/Germany 2005, with Navina Sundaram)
Followed by a joint discussion with Philip Scheffner, Mareike Bernien and Merle Kröger
Sundaram accompanies the da Couhna and Singh families, who came to the BRD from Uganda via Great Britain, in the tradition of Cinema Vérité; as a participant observer into their new lives in Unna and Leverkusen. The families are met with a great deal of solidarity and curiosity, but racial prejudices persist and conflicts arise. Sundaram ventures far into these conflict zones: Former emigrant women agitate against the families in the neighborhood, who in turn agitate against their former compatriots in Africa. In the end, everyone gets a voice in this film and a plea for togetherness in a country of immigration emerges.
Philip Scheffner works as a filmmaker and sound artist in Berlin. In 2001, he founded the production company pong with Merle Kröger. His films have been shown at various festivals and won numerous awards.