Set against the backdrop of the nationwide student protests against India’s Citizenship Amendment Act in 2019-2020, Sab Changa Si is an intimate documentary on friendship, language, love, youth, resistance and identity and how they are interwoven with class, caste, religion, and gender in the city of Bangalore. It probes complicated political questions by observing spaces of solidarity and their diverse subjectivities.
Teresa A. Braggs, born in 1997 and brought up in Calcutta, graduated from Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, in Communication Studies in 2020. Sab Changa Si, her first documentary film, won the Peace Film Prize and was nominated for a Teddy Award at the Berlin International Film Festival 2022.
India Justice Project is a collective of Indian and German citizens residing in Germany, concerned about the deteriorating situation of human rights and rule of law in India. In response to the nationalist divisive policies of the government led by the BJP, the collective is working towards building a sustainable solidarity network in support of affected communities in India and Kashmir in Germany.