Followed by a discussion with all filmmakers: Onur Agbaba, Najwa Ahmed, Fernanda Carrasco, Luan Caja, Raras Umaratih, Estelle Pandao Lassus, Jade Singkhorn Krüger, Thao Ho, Nguyen Phuong Thuy, Nguyen Phuong Thanh, Vo Trang
Free entry
This evening is dedicated to the films produced at the filmmaking workshop which took place at Sinema Transtopia under the mentorship of Pimpaka Towira during un.thai.tled Film Festival 2020. There will be a conversation with the filmmakers on the works as well as a reflection on the filmmaking process. The topics range from diverse reflections on the experience of existing in Berlin and/or Germany as a member of a particular diasporic community, to the funding system for Southeast Asian cinema.